" formerly known as Uniutama Management Holdings Sdn. Bhd."    (483831-M / 199901008931)




Manager’s Coffee Sdn Bhd was incorporated on 22 May 2016. The purpose of the establishment is to become the leading coffee business company on the brand’s Manager’s Coffee brand. The brand’s of Manager’s Coffee and the business model is based on the idea of University Higher Managemento that time.

The brand of Manager’s Coffee is a new brand that runs a beverage-based business and coffee-based foods borne by UUM. The unique of this brand has also chosen the quality of its own coffee to be featured in the market. Manager’s Coffee is the brands that combine coffee beans from two originals from Africa and Asia. These selected and quality seeds are processed and processed with a thorough process of rigid coffee enthusiasts and also for the suitability of other coffee-based products.

The opening of the first outlet at UUM is the first step of the company’s management to implement the business’s forward direction

This business will be developed with the planning of opening a few branches, kiosks at selected locations that are also identified and also in the study. Manager’s Coffee will play a role as a training site for UUM students in related fields such as marketing, entrepreneur, human resources and so on especially in field business at UUM.